Viniferamine Wound Hydrogel

The Wound Hydrogel is a transparent high viscosity; long lasting gel that provides the wound bed with the moisture necessary to facilitate cell migration. The product participates in the stabilization of the wound’s pH, temperature and hydration. The addition of 20% pure glycerin ensures that the proper moisture content of the gel is maintained for extended periods of time.

Uses: An amorphous gel protects the wound bed and provides a moist wound environment. Appropriate for use on partial and full thickness wounds with little to no exudate.

Viniferamine Antiseptic Cleanser

Benzalkonium chloride is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial that is very gentle and used in more than 50% of eye drops sold in the United States. This gentleness is critical as the skin of many at-risk patients is very fragile. The purpose of the product is to reduce over-population of microorganisms while maintaining the balance of the skin’s normal chemistry and flora. The no-rinse formula may be used for routine care to help control odor and reduce the risk of skin infections.

Active Ingredient: Benzalkonium Chloride 0.12%

Uses: A topical antiseptic skin cleanser that protects against microbial contaminations.

Viniferamine Foaming Cleanser

Foaming Cleanser is optimally balanced to provide an ultra-mild cleanse with a luxurious foam that glides over the skin leaving it feeling fresh and clean. The rinse-free foam leaves skin and hair feeling silky and revitalized by utilizing a mild, biodegradable, foaming surfactant created from natural fruit sugar and the fatty acids of organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and organic coconut oil.

Uses: The Foaming Cleanser is designed as a gentle no-rinse cleanser that can be used bedside. Gently apply the rich lather to dry or moistened skin and hair. If needed or indicated, use a soft moist cloth to gently wipe the skin clean, especially if it is visibly soiled.

Viniferamine Renewal Moisturizer

The Renewal Moisturizer is the foundation of the product system, and it contains a potent dose of Viniferamine® and the other scientific ingredients. It has the broadest range of uses and will ensure the proper nourishment of the epidermis. Each ingredient in this scientifically advanced product has been perfectly balanced to achieve maximum skin restoration.

Active Ingredient: Dimethicone 1.5%

Uses: A skin protectant cream that leaves a temporary, protective barrier for chapped or cracked skin.

Viniferamine Clean N Moist

The chemistry of the Clean N Moist corresponds with the chemistry of the skin. It is perfectly pH balanced to ensure the most fragile skin is gently cleansed without causing irritation. The use of phospholipids, organic phytonutrients, organic shea butter, and other vital nutrients provide nourishment and revitalize skin that has lost its healthy glow. For many patients this single product is all that is necessary to cleanse, moisturize, nourish and provide a protective barrier. Clean N Moist can be used to remove SkinMineralZ.

Active Ingredient: Dimethicone 1.5%

Uses: A skin protectant lotion that gently cleanses skin that may be chapped or cracked, while leaving a temporary protective barrier.

Viniferamine Antifungal Cream

Viniferamine Antifungal Cream

Antifungal Cream provides the proven effectiveness of two percent (2%) miconazole nitrate in a soothing petrolatum-free base. Viniferamine and key scientific ingredients have been added to improve the skin’s nourishment and to aid in the recovery process. This product is indicated for chronic or acute epidermal fungal infections caused by Candida albicans, and the associated symptoms, including: inflammation, pain, itching, odor, vesicles and lesions. Patients prone to fungal infections include those that are on antibiotics, immunocompromised, obese, or incontinent.

Viniferamine Silicone Barrier

Viniferamine Silicone Barrier

Silicone Barrier is an advanced 34% silicone cream that glides over skin without streaking or clumping. It can be used over moist skin eliminating the problem associat­ed with other high silicone creams. The cream is non­occlusive and provides a “second-skin” for patients that have a compromised epidermis. It contains a sophisti­cated silicone complex that helps normalize barrier function and improve healing outcomes. The Viniferamine enriched formula provides for the delivery of phytonutrients, amino acids and B vitamins that restore skin to a more healthy state.

Viniferamine Diabetes Foot Care Kit

Viniferamine Diabetes Foot Care Kit

The Diabetes Foot Care Kit is an added value product. In addition to the Clean N Moist and the Silicone Barrier; the kit contains a sixteen-page information booklet that guides the diabetic patient or caregiver through what is needed for overall care. The booklet was written by a physician and edited and approved by a certified diabetes educator.

8oz. Clean N Moist Active Ingredient: Dimethicone 1.5%

4oz. Silicone Barrier Active Ingredient: Dimethicone 2.5%

Uses: The Clean N Moist cleanses and moisturizes the skin and prepares it for the Silicone Barrier. The Silicone Barrier creates a “second skin” that protects from damage associated with dryness, cracking, tearing and irritation caused by environmental factors.

What You Need to Know to Better Manage Your Radiation Dermatitis

As a cancer patient undergoing radiation treatment for your condition, you may develop skin issues along the way. These skin issues can be quite painful, but that isn’t the worst of it. Without proper treatment, they can lead to secondary issues and infections that put your health at even greater risk.

It is important for you to know that radiation dermatitis is common for oncology patients undergoing radiation treatment. Nearly 3/4s of all oncology patients will receive some form of radiation therapy, according to OncoLink. Of those, nearly 95 percent will experience radiation dermatitis. Further, 87 percent of these cases will be classified as moderate to severe.

What is Radiation Dermatitis and the Skin Conditions Associated with It?

The term radiation dermatitis refers to skin conditions associated with radiation treatment for various forms of cancer. While all radiation treatments seek to limit exposure of radiation to healthy tissue, and healthy tissue is known to repair itself from limited radiation exposure, the repetitive nature of radiation treatments limits the skin’s self-healing abilities, leaving damaged skin in its wake.

Some of the types of damage associated with radiation dermatitis include:

  • Localized or patchy reddening of the skin (erythema)
  • Skin shedding (desquamation)
  • Skin fibrosis
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Pitting edema
  • Skin necrosis
  • Capillary dilation


Radiation dermatitis most commonly occurs in and around folds in the skin. This can include the areas behind the ears, under the arms, under the breast in women, abdominal folds, etc. as Wound Source describes. Wound Source notes that areas where the skin is thinner are also vulnerable. This includes the neck and forehead, among other areas.

The pain and embarrassment associated with radiation dermatitis can have a significantly negative effect on your quality of life, especially when you are already going through so much.

You may have even discontinued or made changes to your radiation therapy in order to avoid additional radiation dermatitis. This is typically not an advised decision as it leaves the cancer free to grow and worsen.

Problems and Solutions for Treating Radiation Dermatitis

Unlike so many other wounds, there are special circumstances regarding radiation dermatitis that limit the treatments that can be used to treat it. The nature of the commonly prescribed wound medications would negate some of the radiation benefits or the skin’s natural attempts to heal itself. For instance, antimicrobials that are often prescribed to treat wounds, cannot be used to treat radiation dermatitis as they will interfere with the growth of new cells.

Preventative “cheat sheet” measures to minimize the effects of radiation dermatitis include:

Since we know there is a substantial connection between receiving radiation treatment and developing radiation dermatitis between the second and third week of treatment, it is wise for you to take preventative measures to prevent, or at the very least, minimize the effect radiation dermatitis is likely to have on you, like these:

  • Wearing loose fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics.
  • Avoiding potential skin irritants such as ice packs, hot water battles, and heating pads.
  • Discontinuing the use of soaps and body washes that have heavy fragrances or harsh chemicals.
  • Avoiding rubbing your skin.
  • Skipping antibacterial soaps, scrubs, and hand sanitizers.
  • Applying sun protection liberally. Only wearing approved sunscreen products, however, and limit skin exposure to the sun.
  • Using only wound dressings without adhesives.
  • Consulting with your physician about oral and topical medications for treating the affected areas of skin and antibiotics for any skin that may be infected.


The above are preventative measures designed to increase comfort once symptoms of radiation dermatitis begin to set in, according to American Family Physician.

Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology for Radiation Dermatitis

Radiation dermatitis can also be managed using Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology and help you to restore your skin for many months following your radiation treatment. Viniferamine ® At Home™ products is specifically designed for you to apply at home.

The benefits of Viniferamine® skin care products include that they:

  • Enhance skin repair.
  • Improve the skin’s barrier function.
  • Combat oxidative stress.
  • Fight inflammation.
  • Are non-irritating and non-sensitizing.
  • Contain small molecular skin nutrients.
  • Include antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins.
  • Contain certified organic and pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.


Viniferamine® skin care products, along with a consistent care regimen, can help you manage radiation dermatitis.   Shop for these Viniferamine® skin care products by clicking here.

Radiation Dermatitis Mitigation Factors

The best time to address the possibility of radiation dermatitis is before your radiation treatment. Viniferamine® suggests that the severity of radiation dermatitis can be mitigated by several factors including:

  • Total radiation dosage
  • Schedule of radiation dosing
  • Quality (and type) of beam
  • Surface area (and volume) of radiated tissue
  • Nutritional status
  • Skin quality
  • Presence and quantity of obesity-related skin folds


Talk to your physician about how these factors impact your development of radiation dermatitis, and its severity.

Radiation Dermatitis Treatment Checklist

In order to reduce the severity of your personal symptoms of radiation dermatitis, it’s a good idea to do the following in the days and weeks leading up to your first radiation treatments.

For your convenience, here is your checklist for steps that you can take to reduce the pain and alleviate many of the symptoms associated with radiation dermatitis.

  • Be prepared for radiation dermatitis before treatment begins.
  • Have the right products on hand to offer effective treatment for radiation dermatitis, like the Viniferamine® At Home Radiation Skin Care Kit.
  • Change your diet to one that is nutrient rich and will help get the right nutrients to help boost the skin’s ability to repair itself.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Try to take off some weight or tone muscles if you are obese or have skin folds that are attractive locations for radiation dermatitis.
  • Use pH balanced soaps and cleansers.
  • Be proactive by pampering your skin using appropriate soaps and lotions before wounds appear.
  • Avoid sun exposure whenever possible with the use of appropriate clothing, hats, and sunscreen.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing in breathable materials that will not rub against the skin.
  • Avoid rubbing and scratching your skin.


The bulk of care for radiation dermatitis will happen at home. Be prepared for that and ask questions of your physician or attending nurse before receiving radiation therapy so that you feel confident you understand the risks and can take steps to reduce and repair the damage radiation treatments cause to your skin.

FAQs / SAQs – Frequently and Should Ask Questions

These are questions that are commonly asked of physicians, and that you should consider asking your doctor before your radiation begins in order to take early steps to reduce some of the pain and potential embarrassment of severe radiation dermatitis.


What steps can I take to prevent radiation dermatitis?

The honest answer is that it is so prevalent among radiation therapy patients that preventing it is largely unlikely currently– at least by the time you know you need it.

Genetics, obesity, smoking, and skin exposure to the sun are all long-term factors that can impact the severity of the radiation dermatitis you are likely to experience though. The checklist above can help as well.

Is the risk of radiation dermatitis worth going through radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy is never ordered lightly. If your physician orders radiation therapy, he or she feels it is the most practical and effective treatment option available to you. That being said, it is always wise to consider your options and weigh the pros and cons of each when treating against something as serious as cancer.

Are there illnesses and diseases that might increase my risk of RD?

There are several conditions that may make you more susceptible to radiation dermatitis, including diabetes mellitus, genetic disorders affecting the DNA of the epidermis, diseases like HIV, connective tissue diseases, and chromosomal breakage syndromes, among others.

Here at MEDICAL MONKS, we understand that radiation dermatitis can be both physically and emotionally painful for you. We believe that offering educational information about what radiation dermatitis is and solutions for treating it may help reduce any concerns you have about it.  We are here to help with any concerns about radiation dermatitis condition and how Viniferamine can help, so be sure to visit our website at Medical Monks or call us at 844-859-9400.



About the Author – The Product Specialists of Medical Monks contributed this article.  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States.   Reach our Specialists at



SkinMineralZ is a blend of 3 French mineral-rich clays. Each of the rare clays delivers earth’s balance of vital nutrients to restore and detoxify the skin. The trace elements found in these clays provide several important skin nutrients including magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper and selenium. The spa-worthy clays are combined with micronized zinc oxide (particle size <200 nm). The paste will nourish macerated inflamed skin back to health while providing an unparalleled absorption of toxins when combined with proven healing nutrients found in Viniferamine no zinc oxide compares quality SkinMineralZ.

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What You Need to Know to Better Manage Your Radiation Dermatitis

What You Need to Know to Better Manage Your Radiation Dermatitis

As a cancer patient undergoing radiation treatment for your condition, you may develop skin issues along the way. These skin issues can be quite painful, but that isn’t the worst of it. Without proper treatment, they can lead to secondary issues and infections that put your health at even greater risk.

It is important for you to know that radiation dermatitis is common for oncology patients undergoing radiation treatment. Nearly 3/4s of all oncology patients will receive some form of radiation therapy, according to OncoLink. Of those, nearly 95 percent will experience radiation dermatitis. Further, 87 percent of these cases will be classified as moderate to severe.

What is Radiation Dermatitis and the Skin Conditions Associated with It?

The term radiation dermatitis refers to skin conditions associated with radiation treatment for various forms of cancer. While all radiation treatments seek to limit exposure of radiation to healthy tissue, and healthy tissue is known to repair itself from limited radiation exposure, the repetitive nature of radiation treatments limits the skin’s self-healing abilities, leaving damaged skin in its wake.

Some of the types of damage associated with radiation dermatitis include:

  • Localized or patchy reddening of the skin (erythema)
  • Skin shedding (desquamation)
  • Skin fibrosis
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Pitting edema
  • Skin necrosis
  • Capillary dilation


Radiation dermatitis most commonly occurs in and around folds in the skin. This can include the areas behind the ears, under the arms, under the breast in women, abdominal folds, etc. as Wound Source describes. Wound Source notes that areas where the skin is thinner are also vulnerable. This includes the neck and forehead, among other areas.

The pain and embarrassment associated with radiation dermatitis can have a significantly negative effect on your quality of life, especially when you are already going through so much.

You may have even discontinued or made changes to your radiation therapy in order to avoid additional radiation dermatitis. This is typically not an advised decision as it leaves the cancer free to grow and worsen.

Problems and Solutions for Treating Radiation Dermatitis

Unlike so many other wounds, there are special circumstances regarding radiation dermatitis that limit the treatments that can be used to treat it. The nature of the commonly prescribed wound medications would negate some of the radiation benefits or the skin’s natural attempts to heal itself. For instance, antimicrobials that are often prescribed to treat wounds, cannot be used to treat radiation dermatitis as they will interfere with the growth of new cells.

Preventative “cheat sheet” measures to minimize the effects of radiation dermatitis include:

Since we know there is a substantial connection between receiving radiation treatment and developing radiation dermatitis between the second and third week of treatment, it is wise for you to take preventative measures to prevent, or at the very least, minimize the effect radiation dermatitis is likely to have on you, like these:

  • Wearing loose fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics.
  • Avoiding potential skin irritants such as ice packs, hot water battles, and heating pads.
  • Discontinuing the use of soaps and body washes that have heavy fragrances or harsh chemicals.
  • Avoiding rubbing your skin.
  • Skipping antibacterial soaps, scrubs, and hand sanitizers.
  • Applying sun protection liberally. Only wearing approved sunscreen products, however, and limit skin exposure to the sun.
  • Using only wound dressings without adhesives.
  • Consulting with your physician about oral and topical medications for treating the affected areas of skin and antibiotics for any skin that may be infected.


The above are preventative measures designed to increase comfort once symptoms of radiation dermatitis begin to set in, according to American Family Physician.

Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology for Radiation Dermatitis

Radiation dermatitis can also be managed using Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology and help you to restore your skin for many months following your radiation treatment. Viniferamine ® At Home™ products is specifically designed for you to apply at home.

The benefits of Viniferamine® skin care products include that they:

  • Enhance skin repair.
  • Improve the skin’s barrier function.
  • Combat oxidative stress.
  • Fight inflammation.
  • Are non-irritating and non-sensitizing.
  • Contain small molecular skin nutrients.
  • Include antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins.
  • Contain certified organic and pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.


Viniferamine® skin care products, along with a consistent care regimen, can help you manage radiation dermatitis.   Shop for these Viniferamine® skin care products by clicking here.

Radiation Dermatitis Mitigation Factors

The best time to address the possibility of radiation dermatitis is before your radiation treatment. Viniferamine® suggests that the severity of radiation dermatitis can be mitigated by several factors including:

  • Total radiation dosage
  • Schedule of radiation dosing
  • Quality (and type) of beam
  • Surface area (and volume) of radiated tissue
  • Nutritional status
  • Skin quality
  • Presence and quantity of obesity-related skin folds


Talk to your physician about how these factors impact your development of radiation dermatitis, and its severity.

Radiation Dermatitis Treatment Checklist

In order to reduce the severity of your personal symptoms of radiation dermatitis, it’s a good idea to do the following in the days and weeks leading up to your first radiation treatments.

For your convenience, here is your checklist for steps that you can take to reduce the pain and alleviate many of the symptoms associated with radiation dermatitis.

  • Be prepared for radiation dermatitis before treatment begins.
  • Have the right products on hand to offer effective treatment for radiation dermatitis, like the Viniferamine® At Home Radiation Skin Care Kit.
  • Change your diet to one that is nutrient rich and will help get the right nutrients to help boost the skin’s ability to repair itself.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Try to take off some weight or tone muscles if you are obese or have skin folds that are attractive locations for radiation dermatitis.
  • Use pH balanced soaps and cleansers.
  • Be proactive by pampering your skin using appropriate soaps and lotions before wounds appear.
  • Avoid sun exposure whenever possible with the use of appropriate clothing, hats, and sunscreen.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing in breathable materials that will not rub against the skin.
  • Avoid rubbing and scratching your skin.


The bulk of care for radiation dermatitis will happen at home. Be prepared for that and ask questions of your physician or attending nurse before receiving radiation therapy so that you feel confident you understand the risks and can take steps to reduce and repair the damage radiation treatments cause to your skin.

FAQs / SAQs – Frequently and Should Ask Questions

These are questions that are commonly asked of physicians, and that you should consider asking your doctor before your radiation begins in order to take early steps to reduce some of the pain and potential embarrassment of severe radiation dermatitis.


What steps can I take to prevent radiation dermatitis?

The honest answer is that it is so prevalent among radiation therapy patients that preventing it is largely unlikely currently– at least by the time you know you need it.

Genetics, obesity, smoking, and skin exposure to the sun are all long-term factors that can impact the severity of the radiation dermatitis you are likely to experience though. The checklist above can help as well.

Is the risk of radiation dermatitis worth going through radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy is never ordered lightly. If your physician orders radiation therapy, he or she feels it is the most practical and effective treatment option available to you. That being said, it is always wise to consider your options and weigh the pros and cons of each when treating against something as serious as cancer.

Are there illnesses and diseases that might increase my risk of RD?

There are several conditions that may make you more susceptible to radiation dermatitis, including diabetes mellitus, genetic disorders affecting the DNA of the epidermis, diseases like HIV, connective tissue diseases, and chromosomal breakage syndromes, among others.

Here at MEDICAL MONKS, we understand that radiation dermatitis can be both physically and emotionally painful for you. We believe that offering educational information about what radiation dermatitis is and solutions for treating it may help reduce any concerns you have about it.  We are here to help with any concerns about radiation dermatitis condition and how Viniferamine can help, so be sure to visit our website at Medical Monks or call us at 844-859-9400.



About the Author – The Product Specialists of Medical Monks contributed this article.  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States.   Reach our Specialists at