The American Burn Association (ABA) and its members dedicate their efforts and resources to promoting and supporting burn-related research, education, care, rehabilitation, and prevention.
The American Burn Association (ABA) and its members dedicate their efforts and resources to promoting and supporting burn-related research, education, care, rehabilitation, and prevention.
The mission of Debra of America is to improve the quality of life for all people living in the United States with EB, their families, and caregivers through free Programs and Services while funding research to find a cure and treatments for Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Founded in 2007 after three independent Cincinnati physicians, each using their own area of expertise, began working cooperatively to prevent amputations and heal wounds that previously may have led to amputation.
Comprehensive program that can dramatically reduce lower extremity amputations in individuals with Hansen’s disease or any condition that results in loss of protective sensation in the feet. LEAP was developed at the HRSA National Hansen’s Disease Program in 1992.
Leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes. Funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes. Deliver services to hundreds of communities. Provide objective and credible information.
People with diabetes can develop many different foot problems. Even ordinary problems can get worse and lead to serious complications.
Foot problems most often happen when there is nerve damage, also called neuropathy. This can cause tingling, pain (burning or stinging), or weakness in the foot. It can also cause loss of feeling in the foot, so you can injure it and not know it. Poor blood flow or changes in the shape of your feet or toes may also cause problems. See more at http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/complications/foot-complications/
Reaches out to and empowers people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promote limb loss prevention.
Internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1988 by Saskia R.J. Thiadens, RN, to provide education and guidance to lymphedema patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public by disseminating information about risk reduction and the management of primary and secondary lymphedema.
Provides condition and product information from over 200 wound care product manufacturers. The site also provides useful articles, blogs by industry thought leaders, white papers and other educational resources.
The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing.
Proactive skin care can help keep your skin youthful and healthy. Start with skin care rule No. 1 — protect yourself from the sun. When you’re outdoors, wear protective clothing and use generous amounts of sunscreen. Then consider other skin care basics, such as avoiding strong soaps and managing stress.
Of course, skin care goes beyond sunscreen and daily cleansing. Understand the risks and benefits of tattoos and piercings, including the latest tattoo removal techniques. Know the ins and outs of sunless tanning products. Find out the best ways to treat acne. Consider whether laser hair removal is right for you.
Whatever your skin care needs, count on reliable information to help your skin look its best.
The NIA, one of the 27 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health, is on the forefront on research activities dedicated to understanding the nature of aging, supporting the health and well-being of older adults, and extending healthy, active years of life for more people.
MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.
MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.
Skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permament, and may be painless or painful. Some have situational causes, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions are minor, and others can be life-threatening.
Health seekers have made us the fastest growing health information site. Over 40 million people turn to Healthline every month.
Whether you’re here to learn more about a health condition, research a medication, tap into one of our communities, or get some tips for a healthier lifestyle, you’re in the right place. You’ll find content that’s informative, easy to understand, and engaging. You’ll also find a compassionate team of professionals who genuinely care about people.
We encourage you to visit the Healthline Homepage for more information: https://www.healthline.com/
Get expert insights into the care and treatment of your skin, hair, and nails for a lifetime of healthy habits.
WoundSource.com offers both detailed condition and product information and robust search capabilities, provides articles, blogs by industry thought leaders, white papers and other educational resources for wound care professionals but information is useful for the general consumer wanting to learn more about wound and skin care for conditions like moisture-associated Skin Damage (MASD).
Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) is the general term for inflammation or skin erosion caused by prolonged exposure to a source of moisture such as urine, stool, sweat, wound drainage, saliva, or mucus.
The ALCJ develops expertise; enhances the success of members; shares a unique knowledge base; and promotes the interests of the Aging Life Care profession.