How To Measure Your Stoma

Your stoma is unique. Learn how to fit a pouch to minimize stomal and skin irritation and obtain optimal wear time.

Stoma Care Nurses

Stoma care nurses care for patients in the hospital setting.   They also provide knowledge and experience and explain and educate the patient on what products to use and how to apply them correctly.

How to Apply a One-Piece Drainable Pouch

Premier One-Piece Drainable Pouch with Flextend Skin Barrier, Microseal Closure

Finding the right pouching system that works for you and learning how to use it correctly is important.  Because the pouch and skin barrier of a one-piece system are applied and removed together, a one-piece pouching system can be very easy to use.

How to Apply a Two-Piece Drainable Pouch

New Image Two-Piece Drainable Pouch With FlexWear Skin Barrier, Non-Sterile Single Use Kit

Finding the right pouching system that works for you and learning how to use it correctly is important.  In a two-piece pouching system the skin barrier is separate from the pouch so they are in pieces and they are connected by a flange.  Learn more about how to apply a two-piece drainable pouch system in this video.

How to Empty a Drainable Pouch

Premier One-Piece Drainable Pouch with Flextend Skin Barrier

Learn about how you can empty your drainable pouch – tips and techniques that make this process easy can be found in this video.

The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care

WIN (Wounds In Need)

Are you suffering from a wound, like an ulcer or a skin tear? Do you care for someone who has a chronic wound? Our motto is to create WIN-WIN situations for patients and their personal caregivers. Together, let’s learn about wounds, share experiences, and support each other.

The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care was conceived in 1995. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. As a nonprofit association, AAWC gives members numerous benefits through a professional and supportive collaborative wound care community.