Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA (FOW-USA) collects surplus, donated ostomy supplies for shipment to places of need throughout the world. The ostomy supplies are distributed free of charge.
Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA (FOW-USA) collects surplus, donated ostomy supplies for shipment to places of need throughout the world. The ostomy supplies are distributed free of charge.
Trying reaching out and giving supplies to a local ostomy support group. You can find your local UOAA support group on the UOAA website.
Or, you could give the supplies to your Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOCN).
If you do not know a WOCN in your area, you can find one on the official WOCN website.
I have many ostomy supplies leftover and would like some information for donating them. Will anyone take boxes of bags that have been opened? Everything else is still sealed.