I wanted to share a link to a NEW blog post from our friends at Montem Outdoor Gear. Montem is a hiking gear development company. Their mission is to develop high quality hiking gear at a great price. Their products are designed by the Montem innovation team in New York.
But why am I sharing a blog post from a hiking gear company when Medical Monks is a medical supply retailer? Well, because they just wrote a great blog post about common hiking injuries which I thought was fantastic and worth sharing.
Many people come to Medical Monks because they have a chronic health condition to include conditions that require advanced wound care supplies – conditions like diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, etc.. We also do get people coming to to us to purchase wound care supplies for common household injuries like burns, cuts or scrapes.
But it didn’t occur to me until I read this post from the folks at Montem that there are a lot of hikers out there and a lot of hiking injuries that need treatment both potentially in the field (on the hike) or after the hiker sees a doctor and needs supplies to treat their hiking wound.
Here is the link to the Montem blog post – read and enjoy!
And of course, just to let you know, Medical Monk sells wound care in the following categories – many of which are applicable to the hiking wound injuries that are detailed in the above Montem blog post – click on any of the following links to browse for products you may want to stock up your first aid kit!
In addition to the wound care, typically on a hike you’ll want to keep handy SKIN CARE products in your first aid or other kit you are carrying . . . Here are the categories for these types of products – click on any of the links to browse and shop : )
About the Author
Scott Hetland is President of Medical Monks, Inc. with experience in the Medical Industry for last 12 years. Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States since 2016. Reach Scott at scott.hetland@medicalmonks.com.