Common Hiking Injuries – Top Treatments and Products

I wanted to share a link to a NEW blog post from our friends at Montem Outdoor Gear.  Montem is a hiking gear development company.  Their mission is to develop high quality hiking gear at a great price.  Their products are designed by the Montem innovation team in New York.

But why am I sharing a blog post from a hiking gear company when Medical Monks is a medical supply retailer?  Well, because they just wrote a great blog post about common hiking injuries which I thought was fantastic and worth sharing.

Many people come to Medical Monks because they have a chronic health condition to include conditions that require advanced wound care supplies – conditions like diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, etc..  We also do get people coming to to us to purchase wound care supplies for common household injuries like burns, cuts or scrapes.

But it didn’t occur to me until I read this post from the folks at Montem that there are a lot of hikers out there and a lot of hiking injuries that need treatment both potentially in the field (on the hike) or after the hiker sees a doctor and needs supplies to treat their hiking wound.

Here is the link to the Montem blog post – read and enjoy!

And of course, just to let you know, Medical Monk sells wound care in the following categories – many of which are applicable to the hiking wound injuries that are detailed in the above Montem blog post – click on any of the following links to browse for products you may want to stock up your first aid kit!

Advanced Wound Dressings


Wound Care Prep

Traditional Wound Care


First Aid

Wound Fillers


Other Wound Care

In addition to the wound care, typically on a hike you’ll want to keep handy SKIN CARE products in your first aid or other kit you are carrying . . . Here are the categories for these types of products – click on any of the links to browse and shop : )

Skin Protectants

Cuts or Inflammation


Personal Hygiene

Skin Care Accessories

Skin Cleansers


Accenture executive head shots coordinated by Cathy Powers.

About the Author

Scott Hetland is President of Medical Monks, Inc. with experience in the Medical Industry for last 12 years.  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States since 2016.  Reach Scott at

Why Would You Pay For Your Own Medical Supplies?

Insurance is great except . . .  

The are many reason people come to Medical Monks to buy their medical supplies.  Great prices, fast shipping, knowledgeable customer care associates, the list goes on . . . but why on earth would anyone pay for their own medical supplies? 

We talk to a lot of customers who call us and want to place a phone order for their medical supplies.  Customers share their situation and many are quick to tell us why they are calling and paying for their own supplies.  Here are the top 5 reasons they give:

1. No Health Insurance

  • If you don’t have health insurance, but have a chronic illness, you will need to pay cash for your medical supplies.  However, unfortunately many in this situation forgo treating their chronic condition with the medical supplies they need.


2. High-Deductible Health Plan

  • Many Americans now have higher deductibles to meet before their health insurance benefits kick in. While we understand that having a higher deductible usually means lower monthly premiums and that some benefits, like preventative care, are covered before you meet your deductible, almost all plans require you meet your entire individual or family deductible before your supplies are covered. Especially at the beginning of the year, this can mean paying entirely out of pocket for your supplies.
  • Even if you have insurance, you may prefer to shop online and pay cash for medical supplies. While most online suppliers will not bill your health insurance (most of them aren’t contracted with any insurances at all) some will and many will provide you with a list of codes so that you can submit the bill to your insurance. While you won’t receive anything back from your insurance, you will receive “credit” towards your deductible. Especially if you or another family members expects to use your insurance throughout the year, you want to make sure every dollar you spend out of pocket is counted towards your deductible.
  • You should also consider using your HSA (health savings account) or FSA (flexible spending account) funds to pay for supplies. Save your receipts!


3. Dealing With Health Insurance Is Too Complicated

  • Some patients choose to pay for certain procedures or supplies with cash because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of authorizations, co-insurances, explanation of benefit statements, and the list goes on.


4. Don’t Like Your Health Insurance authorized Medical Supplier

  • Your health insurance company may only authorize certain providers for your medical supplies.  If you have limited options and don’t like the customer service, locations or product offerings from the contracted provider, you’re stuck.
  • We especially hear from customers who say their insurance covers only certain types of products and in only certain quantities.  If a customer wants high quality supplies and in the quantities they need many times they will have to pay out-of-pocket.


5. Like the Convenience of Ordering Supplies Online From A Specific Vendor

  • We hear from many customers who would rather pay cash and have a choice about where they receive their medical supplies. Some have had a bad experience with their insurance’s contracted provider or have heard from family or friends about better convenience, service, support and ultimately better value from an on-line retailer like Medical Monks.

I hope this helps spell-out many of the reasons people are reaching for their credit or debit cards to get the supplies they need.  If you have reasons not listed hear I’d love to hear from you by dropping me a note at


Accenture executive head shots coordinated by Cathy Powers.

About the Author

Scott Hetland is President of Medical Monks, Inc. with experience in the Medical Industry for last 12 years.  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States since 2016.  Reach Scott at

The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care

WIN (Wounds In Need)

Are you suffering from a wound, like an ulcer or a skin tear? Do you care for someone who has a chronic wound? Our motto is to create WIN-WIN situations for patients and their personal caregivers. Together, let’s learn about wounds, share experiences, and support each other.

The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care was conceived in 1995. The Association’s focus is on education, public policy, and the application of evidence-based wound care practice. As a nonprofit association, AAWC gives members numerous benefits through a professional and supportive collaborative wound care community.

The American Burn Association (ABA)

The American Burn Association (ABA) and its members dedicate their efforts and resources to promoting and supporting burn-related research, education, care, rehabilitation, and prevention.

Debra of America

The mission of Debra of America is to improve the quality of life for all people living in the United States with EB, their families, and caregivers through free Programs and Services while funding research to find a cure and treatments for Epidermolysis Bullosa.

Hope of Healing Foundation

Founded in 2007 after three independent Cincinnati physicians, each using their own area of expertise, began working cooperatively to prevent amputations and heal wounds that previously may have led to amputation.

Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention Program (LEAP)

Comprehensive program that can dramatically reduce lower extremity amputations in individuals with Hansen’s disease or any condition that results in loss of protective sensation in the feet. LEAP was developed at the HRSA National Hansen’s Disease Program in 1992.

The American Diabetes Association

Leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes. Funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes. Deliver services to hundreds of communities. Provide objective and credible information.

People with diabetes can develop many different foot problems. Even ordinary problems can get worse and lead to serious complications.

Foot problems most often happen when there is nerve damage, also called neuropathy. This can cause tingling, pain (burning or stinging), or weakness in the foot. It can also cause loss of feeling in the foot, so you can injure it and not know it. Poor blood flow or changes in the shape of your feet or toes may also cause problems.  See more at


The Amputee Coalition

Reaches out to and empowers people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promote limb loss prevention.

The National Lymphadema Network

Internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1988 by Saskia R.J. Thiadens, RN, to provide education and guidance to lymphedema patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public by disseminating information about risk reduction and the management of primary and secondary lymphedema.

Provides condition and product information from over 200 wound care product manufacturers. The site also provides useful articles, blogs by industry thought leaders, white papers and other educational resources.

Well Spouse Foundation

Well Spouse is a national, not for profit membership organization that gives support to wives, husbands, and partners of the chronically ill or disabled.

What You Need to Know to Better Manage Your Radiation Dermatitis

As a cancer patient undergoing radiation treatment for your condition, you may develop skin issues along the way. These skin issues can be quite painful, but that isn’t the worst of it. Without proper treatment, they can lead to secondary issues and infections that put your health at even greater risk.

It is important for you to know that radiation dermatitis is common for oncology patients undergoing radiation treatment. Nearly 3/4s of all oncology patients will receive some form of radiation therapy, according to OncoLink. Of those, nearly 95 percent will experience radiation dermatitis. Further, 87 percent of these cases will be classified as moderate to severe.

What is Radiation Dermatitis and the Skin Conditions Associated with It?

The term radiation dermatitis refers to skin conditions associated with radiation treatment for various forms of cancer. While all radiation treatments seek to limit exposure of radiation to healthy tissue, and healthy tissue is known to repair itself from limited radiation exposure, the repetitive nature of radiation treatments limits the skin’s self-healing abilities, leaving damaged skin in its wake.

Some of the types of damage associated with radiation dermatitis include:

  • Localized or patchy reddening of the skin (erythema)
  • Skin shedding (desquamation)
  • Skin fibrosis
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Pitting edema
  • Skin necrosis
  • Capillary dilation


Radiation dermatitis most commonly occurs in and around folds in the skin. This can include the areas behind the ears, under the arms, under the breast in women, abdominal folds, etc. as Wound Source describes. Wound Source notes that areas where the skin is thinner are also vulnerable. This includes the neck and forehead, among other areas.

The pain and embarrassment associated with radiation dermatitis can have a significantly negative effect on your quality of life, especially when you are already going through so much.

You may have even discontinued or made changes to your radiation therapy in order to avoid additional radiation dermatitis. This is typically not an advised decision as it leaves the cancer free to grow and worsen.

Problems and Solutions for Treating Radiation Dermatitis

Unlike so many other wounds, there are special circumstances regarding radiation dermatitis that limit the treatments that can be used to treat it. The nature of the commonly prescribed wound medications would negate some of the radiation benefits or the skin’s natural attempts to heal itself. For instance, antimicrobials that are often prescribed to treat wounds, cannot be used to treat radiation dermatitis as they will interfere with the growth of new cells.

Preventative “cheat sheet” measures to minimize the effects of radiation dermatitis include:

Since we know there is a substantial connection between receiving radiation treatment and developing radiation dermatitis between the second and third week of treatment, it is wise for you to take preventative measures to prevent, or at the very least, minimize the effect radiation dermatitis is likely to have on you, like these:

  • Wearing loose fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics.
  • Avoiding potential skin irritants such as ice packs, hot water battles, and heating pads.
  • Discontinuing the use of soaps and body washes that have heavy fragrances or harsh chemicals.
  • Avoiding rubbing your skin.
  • Skipping antibacterial soaps, scrubs, and hand sanitizers.
  • Applying sun protection liberally. Only wearing approved sunscreen products, however, and limit skin exposure to the sun.
  • Using only wound dressings without adhesives.
  • Consulting with your physician about oral and topical medications for treating the affected areas of skin and antibiotics for any skin that may be infected.


The above are preventative measures designed to increase comfort once symptoms of radiation dermatitis begin to set in, according to American Family Physician.

Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology for Radiation Dermatitis

Radiation dermatitis can also be managed using Viniferamine® Small Molecule Technology and help you to restore your skin for many months following your radiation treatment. Viniferamine ® At Home™ products is specifically designed for you to apply at home.

The benefits of Viniferamine® skin care products include that they:

  • Enhance skin repair.
  • Improve the skin’s barrier function.
  • Combat oxidative stress.
  • Fight inflammation.
  • Are non-irritating and non-sensitizing.
  • Contain small molecular skin nutrients.
  • Include antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins.
  • Contain certified organic and pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.


Viniferamine® skin care products, along with a consistent care regimen, can help you manage radiation dermatitis.   Shop for these Viniferamine® skin care products by clicking here.

Radiation Dermatitis Mitigation Factors

The best time to address the possibility of radiation dermatitis is before your radiation treatment. Viniferamine® suggests that the severity of radiation dermatitis can be mitigated by several factors including:

  • Total radiation dosage
  • Schedule of radiation dosing
  • Quality (and type) of beam
  • Surface area (and volume) of radiated tissue
  • Nutritional status
  • Skin quality
  • Presence and quantity of obesity-related skin folds


Talk to your physician about how these factors impact your development of radiation dermatitis, and its severity.

Radiation Dermatitis Treatment Checklist

In order to reduce the severity of your personal symptoms of radiation dermatitis, it’s a good idea to do the following in the days and weeks leading up to your first radiation treatments.

For your convenience, here is your checklist for steps that you can take to reduce the pain and alleviate many of the symptoms associated with radiation dermatitis.

  • Be prepared for radiation dermatitis before treatment begins.
  • Have the right products on hand to offer effective treatment for radiation dermatitis, like the Viniferamine® At Home Radiation Skin Care Kit.
  • Change your diet to one that is nutrient rich and will help get the right nutrients to help boost the skin’s ability to repair itself.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Try to take off some weight or tone muscles if you are obese or have skin folds that are attractive locations for radiation dermatitis.
  • Use pH balanced soaps and cleansers.
  • Be proactive by pampering your skin using appropriate soaps and lotions before wounds appear.
  • Avoid sun exposure whenever possible with the use of appropriate clothing, hats, and sunscreen.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing in breathable materials that will not rub against the skin.
  • Avoid rubbing and scratching your skin.


The bulk of care for radiation dermatitis will happen at home. Be prepared for that and ask questions of your physician or attending nurse before receiving radiation therapy so that you feel confident you understand the risks and can take steps to reduce and repair the damage radiation treatments cause to your skin.

FAQs / SAQs – Frequently and Should Ask Questions

These are questions that are commonly asked of physicians, and that you should consider asking your doctor before your radiation begins in order to take early steps to reduce some of the pain and potential embarrassment of severe radiation dermatitis.


What steps can I take to prevent radiation dermatitis?

The honest answer is that it is so prevalent among radiation therapy patients that preventing it is largely unlikely currently– at least by the time you know you need it.

Genetics, obesity, smoking, and skin exposure to the sun are all long-term factors that can impact the severity of the radiation dermatitis you are likely to experience though. The checklist above can help as well.

Is the risk of radiation dermatitis worth going through radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy is never ordered lightly. If your physician orders radiation therapy, he or she feels it is the most practical and effective treatment option available to you. That being said, it is always wise to consider your options and weigh the pros and cons of each when treating against something as serious as cancer.

Are there illnesses and diseases that might increase my risk of RD?

There are several conditions that may make you more susceptible to radiation dermatitis, including diabetes mellitus, genetic disorders affecting the DNA of the epidermis, diseases like HIV, connective tissue diseases, and chromosomal breakage syndromes, among others.

Here at MEDICAL MONKS, we understand that radiation dermatitis can be both physically and emotionally painful for you. We believe that offering educational information about what radiation dermatitis is and solutions for treating it may help reduce any concerns you have about it.  We are here to help with any concerns about radiation dermatitis condition and how Viniferamine can help, so be sure to visit our website at Medical Monks or call us at 844-859-9400.



About the Author – The Product Specialists of Medical Monks contributed this article.  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States.   Reach our Specialists at

SMART SEARCH – Advanced Wound Care Dressings

Have you felt challenged to quickly find the right Wound Care Dressing for your needs?  If so, MEDICAL MONKS introduces a new way to make this process fast and easy!

It can be difficult and time-consuming to sift through the many choices you have in wound care dressings.  The complexity is overwhelming, even for the well-educated consumer let alone someone new to buying wound care dressings.  There are many manufacturers who produce wound care dressings each producing many families of products.  Each family has a variety of features that are continually being refined and improved resulting in even more buying options for the consumer.

To help address this complexity and confusion, the Wound Care Product Specialists at MEDICAL MONKS developed an innovative solution to this problem.  The solution is called “SMART SEARCH”.  It is a selection tool that eliminates the complexity of product selection by helping you narrow down your choices quickly through a series of easy to answer questions.  The result is a recommendation of  wound care dressings that closely fits your personal answers.

The MEDICAL MONKS team is extremely excited to launch “SMART SEARCH”.  We want to share the details on how it works and can help you.

Where can I get access to “SMART SEARCH”?

It is located on the MEDICAL MONKS website at the following link:

After clicking on the link you are directed to the landing page that looks like this:

Smart Search 2500x

Simply click the “Start Questionnaire” in the Advanced Wound Care Dressings tile to begin!

Who built the Tool – Can I trust it?

“SMART SEARCH” was built using the knowledge and experience of the MEDICAL MONKS Advanced Wound Care product specialist team who have a combined wound care experience of more than 80 years!  The specialists talk to dozens of customer daily answering product questions – they have answered virtually every question about wound care products and how to use them.

Also, our team meets with manufacturer representatives and Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses (WOCN’s) on a regular basis to stay informed about the latest product enhancements and technologies.

How does it Work?

You will be asked a series of up to 5 multiple choice questions about your specific situation.  It takes on average of less than one minute to answer the questions.

The questions are:

  1. What is your wound type?
  2. What is your wound condition / appearance?
  3. What is your wound depth?
  4. What is your wound exudate level?
  5. Are there signs of infection?

 What answers do I get?

Based on your answers to the questions above, we determine (in real time) what advanced wound dressings fit your needs.   We focus on “Best Value” answers. Our Best Value is a combination of PRICE and OUTCOMES.  Some systems are better than others in terms of PRICE and OUTCOMES.

OUTCOMES are typically better for recently released products because they contain the latest features and technology users have come to expect.  Some manufacturers are more advanced and have higher quality.

After we display the best value answers, you can choose the advanced wound care dressing product and put it in your shopping cart for purchase!

We ask you to provide your email so that we can send you your answers for future reference however it is not mandatory for you to provide your email.

If you have any questions at any point in the process you can call and talk to one of our MEDICAL MONKS wound care product specialists at 844-859-9400.

When do I use the tool?

“SMART SEARCH – Advanced Wound Care Dressings” is great if you are new to buying wound care products or would like to make a possible change to the wound care products you are using or just looking for alternatives.  If you are happy with your current wound care dressings, it can be used as confirmation you are using the right dressings.

Changes to the wound site will happen over the course of time.  In addition, your body changes over time along with your activity level.  It is because of these two reasons we encourage you to come back and use the tool on a regular basis as these changes happen.  Also, we continually make updates as new products are introduced which can be as frequently as several times per year.

For more information about MEDICAL MONKS and advice on advanced wound care products please visit our website at or call us at 844-859-9400.


Accenture executive head shots coordinated by Cathy Powers.

About the Author

Scott Hetland is President of Medical Monks, Inc..  Medical Monks is medical supply retailer serving consumers and businesses across the United States.   Reach Scott at